Saturday, March 04, 2006

Cardinal George speaks on Pro-Choice politicians and Conscience

A quotation from the National Review Online:

Francis Cardinal George, OMI, Archbishop of Chicago, [states], bluntly, "Do all Catholic politicians understand their obligations in conscience? Apparently not, which means that their pastors have to take the time to speak with them personally." Moreover, "the objective 'disconnect' between professing the faith and voting 'pro-choice' creates tension in the community of faith, even at the altar." According to Cardinal George, objectively, no "pro-choice" politician should receive Holy Communion. But "subjectively a politician may have convinced himself he is in good conscience."

Cardinal George concedes that a conversation between pastor and politician about personal conversion "is hard to have in the midst of the pressures of electioneering." Nevertheless, as the conversations continue, pro-choice politicians will "inevitably find themselves ever more estranged from their own community of faith. This is tragic, not only for politicians, most of whom went into public service for generous motives, but for the faith community itself," maintains the Cardinal.

Read the rest of the article.